30th May – Shadowing

Today was my first day at Dagenham Heathway – One Stop Shop. I was shown around the shop and introduced to some of my work colleagues and I was then assigned to a colleague working with customers on the shop floor. I watched how my colleague dealt with these customers and how they used and naviagted the ‘Capita’ system



For the second half of today. I was introduced to a Digital Marketer who run the second half of today’s training lesson.

M2. Branding
Making a mark, so this is something which can now be recognized as yours.
Over time people usually forget about the common concept and start becoming attracted to the brand.
Brands are ways of identifying a product.
The Purchase Funnel
• Universe: All adults
• Aware of brand
• Purchase intent
• Research
• Repertoire (short list)
• Consideration
• Purchase

1. To get people to buy your product you need to make them aware of your product!
People who are aware of your product
2. People who actually need the phone
3. People who want the phone will then go and research and find the best deal/product
4. Repertoire (the products you already know about and trust)

2×2 Matrix (brand map)
Healthy – Unhealthy
Cheap – Expensive
We want our brand to have a different perception from all other similar products!

Consumer Insight
• Research
• Consumer Needs
• Insight
• Strategy

Qualitative – feelings (focus groups)
Quantitative – figures (surveys)

Qualitative & Quantitative are used to help organize what your target market will enjoy about your product the most.  

Tuesday 21st May – Meeting Assessor

Today I met Lesley – Assessor who talked about my Customer Service Apprenticeship including the Knowledge BTEC Level 2 Certificate in Customer Service and Competence Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Customer Service

I was given my a pack telling me about the qualifications I will retrieve by the end of my apprenticeship. I was also given my three units, of which one I was to attempt today.

Monday 20th May – Creating Our Webpage

ImageToday’s session is all about creating our own website!

Firstly I was given a brief on the different types of aspects used while creating our own website.I was shown the basics such as the <html> </html> which is used at the beginning and end of every webpage.  Or to add a title you will have to write <title>…</title>